Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Catching Up

Yesterday was busy.  I spent most of my day out and about doing a lot of things, then came home and felt like climbing into bed and sleeping the afternoon away... but I didn't.  No, I jumped onto the computer and checked my e-mails, made a drink and sorted through my parents' mail instead.  

Yeah, I'm at my folks' place still; and I'm in no hurry to get home.  I'm staying here until Friday to welcome them home from their holidays.  They're more than happy to know that I'll be here for the week, but I'm dying to check my PO Box and see what's there for me to pick up; or not.

Anyway, I'm kinda looking forward to having a week away from my place for a bit, and yet I'm not.  I've had a fair bit going on.  As you can see from the posts below, I've been on the go since last Wednesday and haven't really stopped.  And today, I think, I've slowed down enough to look around and take a breath.  I fed a magpie this morning, put out some water on the metal table for the birds and - just now - watched a shower of rain past over.  

It's been lovely so far.

And last night, I took part in a stock-take sale on one of my friend's jewellery Facebook pages; picking out two of her lovely pieces!  She just contacted me about payment and is looking forward to hearing from me.  I'm looking forward to receiving the jewellery in the mail after I pay for it today at Suncorp down the road.  This friend of mine, Kellie Smith, is a flamboyant woman who designs and makes jewellery which is just as flamboyant as she is; and I love it.  I bought a piece in March and love it.  So, when I read about her stock-take sale, I just had to take part in it!  There was a pair of ear-rings I loved, but they were snapped up faster than I could click the mouse on them.... darn... but I found two pieces I loved and I bought those.

Today, I'm going to take it easy with things.  There are some things I gotta do down the road, but I'll take my time while I'm down there, and then I'll wander on home.  I'm in no rush and hurry today - not like yesterday - and then I'll probably get in and read a part of a book or write a bit.  Yeah, today is going to be a day of me taking it easy.  I'm not even sure what I'll be doing tomorrow... but I'm sure it's not going to be much.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

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